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What does compression have to do with tendonitis?

When you are suffering from pain that is caused by inflamed tendons, it can seem like it takes forever to heal. Tendonitis can prevent us from doing many of the things that we usually take for granted in our daily lives.

In our clinic we like to encourage our clients to continue their daily activities. However, in some cases these activities or exercises may be preventing a full recovery. How does one know which movements are harmful or not?

This is a great video that clearly explains why some movements are worse than others for injured tendons. Our rehab experts at Physiotherapy Active Rehab have an extensive knowledge of anatomy and biomechanics. This allows us to assess your unique situation and make a plan for your optimal  recovery. If you have tendonitis and need a professional assessment, please give us a call.


Tendon Compression and Pain from RunningReform on Vimeo.



My test results look bad! Should I worry?

As Dr. Greg Lehman mentions in his article (click on link below), we live in an amazing age where images can be produced showing us what is happening inside our bodies. This is a huge deal, but most of us take these technologies for granted. The first clinical MRI scan took place in 1980, but now having an MRI test has become a fairly routine procedure.

The broad availability of x-ray, ultrasound, CT, MRI and other advanced diagnostics have revolutionized medicine. We have more diagnostic information available to us now than at any time in history. Information isn’t usually a bad thing, but is it possible to have too much of it?

I can’t count how many times a patient has come into my office with an MRI report in hand. They are completely stressed out about the seemingly terrible results. Do they always need to be so worried? Often they don’t.

As this article explains, these diagnostic findings often don’t have anything to do with the pain we are experiencing.

Structure is not Destiny

If you have any questions about your orthopedic test results, please give us a call. We would be happy to help you figure things out.

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How do I keep in shape while I’m injured?

So you’ve found yourself injured and not able to participate in your favourite sport or activity. This can be extremely upsetting when you have worked so hard to get into shape and maintain a level of fitness you are proud of. So what can you do to stay in the best possible shape while suffering from pain associated with condtions like tendonitis, shin splints, patellofemoral syndrome and plantar fasciitis?

Follow this link to a helpful article by Tom Goom, a well known UK physiotherapist who specializes in running injuries:

Cross Training During Injury

Following these helpful guidelines can mean a quicker and safer return to the sport you love. For help with recovery from your injury, please give us a call. We would be glad to help.


The Importance of Exercise in Dealing with Back Pain

Movement is an essential part of our lives – everyday billions of people move from one place to another in pursuit of their jobs, hobbies, or simply to look at the world from a different point of view. All this movement is made possible by the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) that controls our muscles and joints.

Due to our hectic lifestyle it is possible to ignore the functional needs of our body and disregard its importance. However, we become aware of the delicacy of our bodies when they start to feel the effect of our neglect. The most common form of this is back and neck pain, which are often byproducts of poor posture, repetitive incorrect movements, lack of exercise, and trauma such as a fall or motor vehicle accident.

The combination of poor posture, incorrect lifting and bending, and our increasingly sedentary lifestyle has made back pain a modern epidemic. Grasping the significant effect back pain has in one’s life, it is important that we play an active part in ensuring that we deal with this epidemic proactively.

It is necessary to treat the physical basis of the problem. Consult your physician, health care provider, or physiotherapist to discuss the origin of your pain. Your health care providers can offer recommendations regarding pain-relieving strategies, such as exercises. They are generally easy to integrate into your daily routine and do not require any special equipment. Stretching, strengthening the core and low back muscles, and yoga are are all forms of exercise that may be effective for your back.

However, exercise alone is often not enough when managing low back pain. To minimize further injury or pain exacerbation, it is also important to eat a balanced diet, drink adequate amounts of water, and use preventative measure in your daily routine. Scrutinize your daily habits to ensure that you are not contributing to your pain. For example, simple things such as having an inappropriate work station and using incorrect body movements when lifting or carrying objects are likely to produce excessive strain on your back. Find a back pain therapist who can teach you how to keep your back pain-free.

Remember, preventing low back pain before its onset is they key to a healthier back!